Hello friends, all of you who have read this blog of ours, then those people should know that to earn money online, good money can be earned by uploading videos on YouTube. But for this, it is most important that you get a good number of views on your YouTube channel.
For this you need to grow your youtube channel, so today you guys will learn how to grow your youtube channel or tips to grow your youtube channel.
I have been working on some of my YouTube channels for many years, on which I have got good growth. So today I am going to share some secrets of the same with you.
If you want to succeed on YouTube by working hard, you have to read this article thoroughly, I have shared some secret tips to grow your YouTube channel, after knowing it well, you can start your own YouTube channel. can also be developed.
» How to Earn Money on YouTube
How to Grow YouTube Channel? (Secret Tips)

You all must be well aware that YouTube is the best platform to earn money by making videos, millions of people will earn money from here, if you can also make such videos that people will like to watch then YouTube can change your life too.
If you people do not know about earning money from YouTube then you can know by clicking on this link.
I have a YouTube channel named Satish’s Videos, this channel has more than 6 lakh 65 thousand subscribers and recently I have got a lot of growth on this channel.
Nowadays many people are making videos on YouTube to earn money YouTube, but very few of them are successful on YouTube.
You are going to know some such things, after which you will also be able to grow your channel. So let’s know these things without wasting time.
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Here are 10 Effective Ways You Can Grow Your YouTube Channel.
If you also follow all these things on your YouTube channel, then your YouTube channel will increase, you just have to do good work on YouTube.
1. Title & Thumbnail
After uploading a video on the YouTube channel, we have to put the title and thumbnail of that video, so many of you make a mistake here that you write the title of the video and upload it anyway.
You should not do this because when a user searches for a video or sees your video on the home screen, he clicks on your video only after seeing the title or thumbnail of your video.
You should write the title of the video in such a way that whatever main keyword you have taken comes in the title of that video.
Since your main keyword is “make money online”, you can title the video “How to make money online?” can write. I hope you guys have understood well what I am trying to explain to you.
If you use bold text while creating a thumbnail, then the thumbnail can become better and you have to make this thumbnail such that whenever someone sees that photo, he/she thinks I should watch this video.
The best Canva and Pixellab apps for creating thumbnails, you’ll find both on the Google Play Store.
2. Video Trailer
If you want to make your video viral on YouTube or want to get more and more views on your video, then for that you have to make some such videos that people watch your video for a long time.
You select the most viewed video on your channel and go to its analytics and check it, in which you will see that video is getting very good watch-time, that’s why that video is getting good views.
To bring good watch time on video, you can use video trailer I.E. When you edit your video, at the same time you have to choose some such things from your video, to know that people must watch the video till the last.
Like some people make a video to tell their YouTube earnings and in that video, they tell about their earnings at the beginning of the video, but they say that if you want to know this, then you must watch the video till the end. See.
So in the same way, you can also put any highlighted part of your video at the beginning of the video, this will increase the watch time on your video.
3. Collaboration
Collaboration is also a great way to grow a YouTube channel, in that you find a few YouTube creators similar to the theme of your own channel, then you make videos with them.
By doing this, the audience of other YouTube creators also comes to your channel and your audience also goes to their channel, by doing this you both benefit.
But keep in mind that, let’s say you have a gaming channel and you collaborate with a YouTube creator who makes a dance video, you will get very little profit, instead you just collaborate with a gaming channel. We do. If you do this then you will benefit more from it.
Now some people will say that now we have a new channel, so who would like to cooperate with us, you don’t need to ask for cooperation on any big YouTube channel, first of all, ask for cooperation only on the 2000S 5000 Subscribers channel. By doing this you can also grow your YouTube channel by collaborating with other channels.
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4. Increase Engagement
You guys must be well aware that if you are getting good watch time on your video, then good views are sure to come on your video, but now the question comes that what should we do in our videos so that people can watch our videos. be able to see Video. Watch for as long as possible.
There are a Few Things You Can do in Your Videos for this.
- Ask a question in your video (and ask your viewers to answer this question by writing me in the comments section).
- If you have made a video in which everyone may have a different opinion, then let your viewers know what you think about it, you tell us in the comments.
- At the end of the video you can ask your viewers that they would like to watch the next video on this topic, this way you will also get the topic of the next video and that video is sure to get views.
- And as everyone does, you have to tell your video to like share subscribe and comment, many people don’t know the meaning, they like to watch your video but they think that if we subscribe their channel If we do, then maybe we have to pay some money, some people do not subscribe to the channel due to some reason.
So these are some of the things that you use while making your videos then you can start getting the same viewing time on my videos as on my videos.
5. Provide Value
There was a time when you used to make any kind of video on YouTube, then that video would easily get a lot of views, but now the situation is such that if you do not make good videos then it is very difficult to get views on it. your youtube channel.
To make good videos, you can make some such videos, after watching which people get to learn something from that video or if you are making an entertainment-related video then it can entertain the people watching the video.
You don’t make videos like other people watching them, by doing this you will put a lot of videos, so maybe one or two of those videos will come good days if you want to make some kind of video after watching it People subscribe to my channel.
You can solve people’s problems through videos on your YouTube, that is, suppose someone’s computer is facing any problem, then you can make a video by fixing that problem. So if anyone else is having the same problem with their computer, I can learn by watching your video.
Or you can also tell people many ways to earn money, how much money you can earn every month by working in this way, people mostly like to watch such type of videos.
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6. Do Keywords Research
If you have started a new YouTube channel and are in such a situation, you want to group your channel very quickly when you need to know about keyword research.
There are different ways to get views on YouTube, one of them is search results, that is, people are watching your video by searching on YouTube.
That is, if someone wants to watch a video related to earning money online, then he has searched on YouTube “earn money online”, then in this way your video is seen, then its traffic source comes from the search result of YouTube.
To do keyword research, you can download a Google Chrome extension named Vidiq to your computer or laptop.
And the best thing is that from here you can do keyword research, that is, before making a video, find some low-competition keywords related to that topic.
Then you write the same Keywords Title 10 and the description of your video, by doing this your video will start appearing in the search results of YouTube when someone searches your keyword, your video will rank and from there you will get a lot of views.

The last thing from my side is that I have seen that people put 5 to 10 videos on their youtube channel and think that the views will come if you guys use these methods and upload 30 to 40 videos then you will get good results are to be seen.
And with this, if you want to be successful on YouTube, then you have to upload videos regularly. By uploading regular videos here I do not mean that you upload videos daily.
You can also upload two to four videos in 1 week, it depends on the topic of your video, what kind of video you make, that is fine.
To get similar information related to YouTube or blog, you stay connected to this blog, I am going to share more such things with you in the future.
So if you liked this article of ours, then do share it.
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